My book is launching and I’m scared sh*tless!

I have worked very hard this past year to get my new book It Pays to PLAY – How Play Improves Business Culture written and I am not afraid to share it. In fact, I am excited and proud of my book. I believe it is filled with powerful information, fun anecdotes, and helpful practical tips on intentionally implementing play in the workplace which will help a lot of organizations with their culture and make a positive impact on a lot of people’s lives.
Having said that, I am scared sh*tless because the book is launching in a few weeks and I have no idea how to launch a book. I have never done this before, so I’m uncomfortable and scared.
Today, I was talking to a friend and she asked me how I was doing. In my open honest style, I shared, “Well, to be honest, I am not great, I am having a rough go right now. I became an empty nester just over a month ago, then my Dad passed away unexpectedly, and the grief I am feeling around these “losses” has been exhausting. On top of that, I’m launching my new book in a few weeks, in addition to my regular CEO responsibilities at JAM. And the truth is, I have no idea what my personal website should look like or how to launch a book, and I’m feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m scared.”
My friend then said, “Wow, I am so happy you just shared this with me. It is so refreshing to hear an accomplished businesswoman, who seemingly has her life together, be so vulnerable and admit you don’t know what you’re doing.”
We went on to discuss that the truth is none of us know how to do everything, we are all learning and growing each day. And these places of discomfort are where huge growth happens. We both agreed, that we wish it were more common for people to be honest when they don’t know how to do something because this vulnerability can help others.
It felt good to have my feelings validated and it felt really good to know that by sharing my feelings of fear, I had helped my friend. So I figured, perhaps I should share my fears with more people (thus the blog), and hopefully in so doing, it may encourage others to be open and ask for help when they are feeling scared, out of their league, or overwhelmed.
So while I am absolutely still feeling scared, I know I need to be vulnerable and ask for help. In the weeks ahead as my book launch comes closer, I will need to reach out to my family, friends, and colleagues to ask for help in spreading the word, buying copies of the e-book or paperback, and writing reviews. Please know if you are willing to help, I will accept it most appreciatively, I do believe you’ll enjoy the read!
Keep playing!
Thanks for sharing Kristi. You’ll rock this just like you do every challenge!
Thanks Mark – your support as a JAM player has always meant so much – thanks for the encouragement! Keep playing 🙂
Thanks for the share Kristi! I’m glad your friend reflected that back to you because you honoured her feedback by being vulnerable in this post. It’s compelling and informative because it’s so authentic! PS love the book design!
Thanks Rob – Happy you enjoyed – hopefully my post inspired a few folks to be open and vulnerable. And YES, i’m so in love with the cover design – took a lot of work to get it to this – eventually had to switch and outsource to a new designer – Meric Karabulut and he nailed it!! He’s amazing. Hope you’re well – thanks for the support. Keep playing
Love this
thanks Lexie – appreciate your support – hope you’re keeping well!
I feel a little more human when I read stuff like this. Well done, Kristi—and congrats!
thanks for sharing Geoff – so happy to hear this – precisely what i was hoping by sharing my fear that may help others to know its so normal!! And i just keep telling myself – i’m going to learn a ton from this discomfort! ha!! 🙂
This is what courageous leadership looks like – being vulnerable. Beautiful example!
Thanks my friend – appreciate that!! Hope this finds you well.
Tears of JOY!
Thanks pal – appreciate you!! Hope you are well!