Our Official JAM Re-brand

This month marks 25 years since I started the Sport & Social Group and we have some exciting news to share and celebrate!
This past year has been incredibly challenging and has had many of us wearing different hats. With our sports leagues on pause, our team stayed focused on our core purpose of connecting people through play, pivoting to running virtual events for over 50,000 participants on corporate teams around the world.
For strategic reasons over the last few years, we had been considering a re-branding of our Sport & Social Group. As we watched our SSC members and new corporate clients laugh, connect and play in new ways this past year, we decided now was the time to launch a fresh new name and brand.
I am excited and proud to announce that we have officially re-branded our entire organization to JAM (powered by Sport & Social Group). You can get a feel for our fresh new look here at www.jamgroup.com
While we have a new name, nothing else is changing, we will continue to focus on connecting people through play with both JAM sports and JAM events. Our commitment to ensuring our clients’ JAM time is the best part of their day, remains the same.
Keep playing! Let’s JAM!
#KeepPlaying #letsJAM #adultsocialsports #virtualteambuilding