“It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the PLAY and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age.”
-Margaret Mead

It Pays To PLAY
By Kristi Herold
“All work and no play make for a dull workplace…and a costly one.”
Organizations that provide opportunities for employees to playfully connect, bond, and build friendships see improvements in retention, engagement, and innovation. Intentional play at work, creates a culture which benefits all employees’ physical and mental health and a company’s bottom line. It Pays to PLAY is a rich resource filled with ideas for play at work—whether in-person, hybrid, or remote—and illustrates how the ROI from play is multi-faceted and exponential. Learn the ways play can be easily and affordably implemented—regardless of your industry—benefiting everyone from the most junior employee to the C-suite right through to the end customer. It truly does pay to play.
*Fun Fact: For Canadian sales, the commission I earn will go directly to Keep Playing Kids, an organization committed to providing kids with access to organized sports regardless of income, gender or skill level.